Monday, March 29, 2010

Mid Way Through the 1st Trimester

I tend to get pukie at night which I find odd. I have discovered I cannot eat marinara sauce and I cannot eat broccoli. BAD BAD BAD things happen if I do. UGH!

I can however eat cheese which I LOVE. I added more carbs to my diet which is interesting. You work so hard to loose weight and now you should gain I have no idea how to react.

Dr Visit Three-- Ultrasound 2

10.2 weeks was our measurement! The ultrasound was not great but it was the first time Peanut moved. Totally shocked me the little bit was just swimming in a circle like crazy! The Dr even seemed shocked. I still had to see the heart beat. What can I say I am a stickler. Deb said that we were going to have a little Mikey... GREAT! We are in BIG trouble.

Dr Visit Two-- First Ultrasound

Our First View of our Peanut. Just a little blob. We measured at 6.5 weeks. Very exciting to see the heart beat for the first time. Keep Growing!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blood Work

First Dr Visit....blood work came back all clear. All levels were great... No morning sickness yet, little bit of air sickness when I travel but all and all no changes. Now we wait until 7.5 weeks to see the little peanut!

Monday, March 22, 2010

How We Found Out I Was Pregnant

I won't bore you with the details that we all learned in Mr. Days 8th grade Health class. Mike and I decided that three dogs and a cat was just not enough Cayos in our life and we wanted to add another adventure.

How did it all go down? Interestingly enough my 28th day came and went and I did not think much about it. This had happened before and there was no real reason to get excited. Mike was traveling to Orlando for a conference and he said don't stress yourself out just wait until I get back. Well I waited and waited. Nothing happend. Tuesday night I talked with Mike and said we are on day 37 and nothing is happening... Take the test and text me in the Am was his reply. We knew something was going on.

Wednesday AM before I could even set the pregnancy test on the trash can the double blue line appeared. positive. I checked the test three times cross referenced the directions on the box and then ran out of the bathroom to text Mike. Sent a text... went back into the bathroom to confirm I was not crazy. I think I did that about 3 times before I felt confident that I was not wrong! YIPPEE, OMG WHAT HAVE I DONE! :)

Talked with Mike and then called Deb. I shocked the hell out of her as I blurted out "I am pregnant" There was a full 3 seconds of silence while she processed. YIPPEE!

Mike came home that night and was so cute. He came over to my side of the bed and tucked me in smoothing out the comforter and asked me if I wanted anything. I think we were both shocked. I am still shocked that I have a little peanut growing inside me!

The Beginning of Doodle Bugs Adventure

Welcome to my first Baby Blog! My fun and fabulous friend Andi had a blog during her first pregnancy. I really enjoyed watching her progression and felt like I was part of her adventure in baby land especially not living close by. Given that we live in TX and our friends and family are spread out through out the US a blog is an easy way to share our adventure with those that are close to us yet far away.