Sunday, May 23, 2010

Big Week Ahead-->

This is a big week for us and Peanut. Thursday we find out if we are having a boy or girl! That is if Peanut will cooperate. More to come! YIPPEE!

Preggo Porn

My fabulous friend [a] is also pregnant and about a month behind me. She inspired me to show a little skin.

Week 18/19 Pictures

Week 18/19 I am really looking preggo! Davey wanted to pose with me! I am wearing a sports bra to minimize the boobs.. they are flipping HUGE already!

Week 14 Pictures

While in Mass visiting family we took a couple of pics. You cannot really see my belly but it is there. :)

Peanut Is On The Move

Was that it? How about that? Umm no just gas... heeee I have been waiting and waiting to feel our little peanut move. This was the week it happened. I really thought it would be weird. Surprisingly not at all. Ladies our bodies amaze me. We are by far the better sex...heeeee
This week I felt a flip in the same spot 3 times and it seemed a bit low for gas. All this week the flipping continued in the same spot. Finally we have movement big enough to feel. Today I felt lots of movement almost like the our little one is flipping over and over and over. It was pretty amazing to feel and the more I feel the flips the happier I become. Very exciting stuff.

Week 18--Weekly Update

Peanut is now the size of a sweet potato!Baby's become amazingly mobile (compared to you, at least), passing the hours yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. And baby is finally big enough that you'll soon be able to feel her movements.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dr Visit-- Just the Heartbeat 18 Weeks

Dr visit today... Hearing the Heartbeat always makes me smile and breath a little easier that things are good. Fetal HR was 141 down from 153 the last time it was taken. Dr confirmed the HR should change that shows good brain function.. YIPPEE.

Strangely enough my Dr said I need to start gaining more weight. I am currently at 126 which means I gained about 6lbs so far depending on what scale you go by. I thought I was doing well. Apparently not.. so when is the last time as a girl your Dr told you to weigh more.. totally takes me by suprise every time. Not that I don't love my Dr she cracks me up. She tells me to eat more and I counter back with everything I eat, because you know I cannot be quiet. So my Dr hits me with my chart and tells me to gain more weight. Apparently I have no say... okay BRING ON THE FOOD.

20 weeks is fast approaching... any takers on if it is a boy or girl?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 17 Weekly Update

Peanut is now about the size of a turnip! Roughly 5 inches long and weighs 5 ounces now. That's even more than the placenta weighs.
Though no new structures have formed this week, peanut has developed fat deposits under her skin that will account for about 2-6% of her total body weight at her time of birth, just 23 weeks from now!
Peanut's skeleton, which up until this point has been made up of flexible cartilage, is now hardening into bone. Another exciting event…The sense of hearing begins to develop this week!

That means no more bad words for me! :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week 16-- Weekly Update

Peanut continues to be busy growing and developing inside of you. He's now about the size of an avocado, measuring approximately 4 1/2 inches and weighing roughly 3 ounces. His heart is now pumping 25 quarts of blood every day and his bladder is emptying every 45 minutes.
His limbs are even more developed and their movements have become increasingly coordinated. He doesn't have any hair yet but the patterning of his scalp has begun.
What's in the future for your little one? A growth spurt is just around the corner! In the coming weeks he will double his weight and add inches to his frame.

From the