Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Friday Everyone!

Relax and take a bubble bath this weekend. :0)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Splashing Around

Kayla really enjoyed her pool this weekend. She loves to splash around in the warm water. :0)

New Pool!

Kayla has a new pool with warm water.. .She is very excited!

First Pool Experience

First time Kayla had a bathing suite on! Big thanks to Aunt Deb! We tried out the new splash pool and Kayla hated it. The little splash pool was so cool and fun. I was disappointed. She will grow into it. On to the little kiddie pool I hope she likes that better. :0)

Kayla Lou

Just me and Kayla hanging in the sun. While Dad was at the gym I introduced her to Sinatra.. we danced in the kitchen. She likes to dip!

Kayla Sits Up for the First Time!

Kayla sat up by herself for the first time last week. Mike was so calm and I was running around the house trying to find the camera.

Kayla and Pooh

Hi Grandma DeBlois... Thank you for my very cute outfit!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Do the Twist

Every once and a while I catch a moment or two that is truly priceless. Each night Mike and Kayla spend skin on skin time together. This all started as infant massage and has turned into so much more then that. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kayla in Jeans

Kayla is sporting her first pair of jeans! Put a super cute shirt on her and she looks adorable! Gotta love Baby Gap. :0)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I cannot keep her fingrs out of her mouth... But she is still cute. :)

Sippy Cup

I have started giving Kayla a sippy cup. She has not really sipped out of it yet but we are making progress. Each time I give her the cup she puts the cup in her mouth but nothing is really happening. Hopefully soon she will figure it all out. :)

More Bath Pictures!

Kayla loves her bubble baths!

Little Foam Mohawk!

Thanks Lenna!

Kayla fits into 6 month clothing!! Thanks Aunt Lenna for the very cute polka dots!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tucker, Davey and Kayla-- Super Cute

This video is super cute. The dogs are so good with Miss Kayla Lou! We love you Tucker and Daves!

Then and Now-- Play Gym

Kayla is growing by leaps and bounds these days. She is now able to touch the bottom of her play gym. First picture was taken 2/1

Second was taken 3/13

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kayla is 6 Months Old

Kayla is 6 months old! Where does the time go? It was not long ago that Kayla was just coming home from the hospital and now she is 6 months old. Kayla has changed since making herself known in September 2010. Now she is eating solid foods, almost sitting up, working a sippy cup and reaching for objects. Some things have not changed she loves her bath time with Dad.

We are looking forward to the summer (summer starts here in April) full of new experiences for Miss Kayla Lou.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Kayla is putting everything in her mouth. From toys to fingers to teethers.. She is chomping away.. I feel a tooth coming on!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Kayla wishes everyone a Happy St Patricks Day!
Thanks Grammy for the outfit!

Too much Guinness the room is spinning I need to sit down.

wooooo... way to much green beer

I like to drool at a party!

Mc Cutie I am, I am

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kayla Says Happy St. Patty's Day....

Deb, the socks are so cute!

Kayla and the Kids

Yesterday was s beautiful we decided to spend some time outside in the back yard and basking in the never ending sun. Kayla and I practiced sitting up with limited support and towards the end of our play time the dogs joined us on the blanket. I was able to catch Tucker kissing Kayla and Davey looking on. It was precious.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chilli'n in the Hot Tub with Dad

Kayla tried out the hot tub with Dad this weekend. Kayla LOVES water and enjoyed every moment in the hot tub.

First Independent Reach

For the first time Kayla is big enough to steady herself and reach out for her toys in her standing play gym. It was very exciting. :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Faces During Tummy Time

Kayla makes the funniest faces during tummy time....

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hanging in the Puma Track Suit

Kayla was hanging Puma Style!

with a little bit of drool!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Breakfast Conversation with Kayla

Kayla had a lot to share Sat morning. She and I were hanging out in the Kitchen enjoying the beginning of another great weekend.

Bear Toy Tether

I caught Kayla having fun with her bear tether that Grandma and Grandpa Andersen bought her. She can finally put her fingers around the ring and likes to try and maneuver the ears into her mouth. I was trying to catch it but as you can see I missed it every time. :0)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Picture of the Weekend!

This is the best picture I took all weekend. Kayla was having a blast in her play gym. Her hair is growing in she looks all scruffy.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Butterfly Toy

Miss Kayla has discovered her amazing ability to put things in her mouth. Kayla thinks it is the best thing ever and like every other baby before her she has decided everything needs to be sampled!

Being a good Mom I went out and bought every tether I could find so Kayla would have her pick. The picture is not all that great because I could not get her to stop moving.. SPAZ!

Bubble Bath Fun

Mike and Kayla had fun taking a bath this weekend.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mommy Notes Month 4

4 Months in.....

We have all settled into a pretty good routine. So much so that Mike and I find it hard to remember what our life was like without our little peanut. I have been back to work and the gym for a month or so and feeling much more like myself. I am still working on the dreaded last 5 lbs....UGH...Our evening routine is fairly set in stone. Kayla now joins us at the table in her high chair. She is also sampling rice cereal, bananas and Sweet Potato's. But she still loves milk! We make every effort to get the everyone out for a evening walk which benefits all parties involved, Tucker and Davey really appreciate our efforts. One of my favorite parts of the evening is watching Kayla hang out with Dad during infant massage time. I love to watch Kayla and her Dad laugh and sing together. Kayla does not really sing but she screams with delight and giggles herself silly.

Kayla made some big accomplishments in the 4th month. She moved from her bassinet to her big girl crib and is consistently sleeping through the night. Often times I am up before she is on the weekends. I find myself waiting for her to wake up. I am always up before she is during the week which works out for everyone. I am able to get the house up and moving before focusing my attention on Miss Kayla.

5th Month here we come....

First Pair of Cowgirl Boots

My dear friend Andi and family surprised me with a little gift for Ms. Kayla Lou... Her very own cowgirl boots! Such a fitting gift for a little girl in Texas. Andi also sent a wooden block that has all Kayla specifications. It is such a special gift.
Thank you!!!!!!