Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mommy Notes 6 to 9 Months

Most of the milestones between the 6th and 9th month work together to help Kayla learn to crawl. It seemed to make sense that I combine Mommy notes for this time frame.

6th Month-- Easter Time

During the 6th month Kayla started sitting up on her own without support. She also started to turn in the direct of a voice and responded to her name consistently. Kayla began passing her teether between each hand and babble , babble, babble. Gosh she did not have a lot of hair back then. Kayla also started some additional solid food.

7th Month

During the 7th Month we had a bit more of the same. Kayla became stronger and stronger at sitting up on her own and was able to do it for a longer period of time. She no longer wanted to lay down on her back but be sitting. Her attitude started to form during the 7th month. She would object or not give up a toy so easily as she did before. She begin looking for her toys that she dropped and thought it was funny to throw them on the floor. Her babbling picked up during the 7th month quite considerably.

8th Month

Kayla started eating puffs and crackers. It was slow going at first but she caught on really quick. Kayla was so close to crawling there for a little while. She started moving herself backwards like a little spider. It was very cute she kept getting herself stuck in the corner. She could no long hang out on our bed... The end of her being stationary was quickly approaching.

9th Month

Kayla moved backwards and put herself in a sitting position from her tummy. She got really good at this during the 9th month and enjoyed moving around the floor that way. She was pretty sturdy on all fours and lifting her back but not moving forward yet. She would rock back and forth but was just not confident enough to move those hands forward. Great progress this month things really seemed to be coming together for Kayla to start crawling!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hanging in my Dewey Beach shirt and climbing all over the place. Mom needs to order more play mats!

I Do Not Want to Play I Want to Crawl

We are in full blown crawling mode... Kayla is everywhere trying out her new mobility. She is still kicking her leg out a bit but she is getting faster every day.

I am Standing!

Look at me mom I am standing!!!! Things are getting dangerous around the house. Kayla is using anything and everything she can to stand herself up.


How Mike gets Kayla Lou to eat more food then me.

Another Weekend at the Pool!

A face I cannot say no too....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

And the Jumper lives!

Kayla seems to like the new jumper set up... She just won't stop!

The New Play Space and a Few Old Friends

I love, love, love the puzzle mats. I re-organized her play space and ordered more puzzle mat pieces. The jumper had to be moved to make crawling space for Kayla Lou. I ordered more puzzle mats to complete the rectangle..I am crazy!
Kayla met a few of of our old friends! Micky was one of Mike's Favoriates

Kayla met Dingdong... Next to the cookie monster Dingdong was my travel buddy I took him everywhere. He was special to my parents too. I picked Dingdong out while we were on vacation in New Hampshire a very long time ago. The joke is that I had the entire store to pick from and I picked him... Be good to him Kayla.

New Play Space Expanded!

Back to Old Habbits

Well once we conquered the bobo chair Kayla spent some time with Mylo.

Sanding, Reaching, Sitting

Well we are now into dare devil territory!!!! Kayla has just learned how to crawl and already she is trying to stand.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bath Time!

Kayla still loves her nightly bath time with Dad. Bubbles and toys are a crowd pleaser every night.

Standing on My Own!

Kayla is trying new things on her own each day. She gets a little bit more risky each time. Below she is using her bobo chair to stand on her own...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Kayla Has a Secret!

She has a TOOTH! Not a great picture but it was the best I could do..

Pool Time

Standing in the pool.. You might have to look sideways.

Party Time at the Pool

Look I can touch the bottom of the Kiddie Pool.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We Are Crawling!

When Kayla first started crawling she would stop and sit it is very cute. Although, I am such an armature at taking video.. .I got a whole lot of the trash can in the shot. Whoops

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Top Four Beach Pics

Here is to another great trip! See you next year!

Fav Family Pictures

Chilling while hitting up the outlets

Deb is teaching Kayla early!

Deryck sleeps after a long weekend of work at the Starboard

D and K

Ross, Deb and Kayla

Deb and Kayla

By the End of The Week....

We were beach going pros...