Wednesday, April 28, 2010

15 Week Pics-2

Pop, Pop, Pop! With a little shout out to ECU!

15 Week Pics

Peanut is making a statement!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Week 15-- Weekly Update

Your little one is now roughly the size of an apple. She is about 4 inches long and weighs about 2 ½ ounces. Her legs are now longer than her arms and her bones are getting harder and stronger!
At 15 weeks, her skin is still thin and transparent, but she has developed a thin layer of hair to help protect her body. This layer of hair is called lanugo and it is present on every part of your baby's body, even her finger nails!
She is also moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract. This action helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. And even though her eyes will remain fused shut until approximately 26 weeks, she can actually sense light in your womb!

Not sure why the weekly update says "she" I have gender as unknown on the ummmmmmmmmmmmm :)~

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ultrasound Week 13 Pic 2

Ultrasound of Peanuts head!

Ultrasound Pic 13 Weeks

Our little Peanut at 13 weeks. The little legs are now showing and you can see a hand next to the head which is on the right.

Monday, April 19, 2010

14 Weeks

From the week 14, your baby is around the size of a lemon, measuring about 3 1/2 inches and weighing 1 1/2 ounces. His body also starts to even out this week, as his arms and head are finally proportionate to the rest of his body. His hands and feet now measure about a 1/2 inch long and are actively punching and kicking inside you. Don't be alarmed if you can't feel this movement, it's too small for you to feel.
Your baby is also busy making facial expressions by week 14. He can squint his eyes, and his lips can turn into a frown. His neck has grown longer and his chin starts to take shape. His kidneys can produce urine and his liver has begun to produce bile. His spleen has even begun to help in the production of red blood cells.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Integrated Testing

This week I went for the first part of my Integrated Test. Integrated Testing is for all the scary stuff. The test checks the probability of Peanut having a genetic disorder such as Down Syndrome, Open Neurl Tube defects and they throw Cystic Fibrosis in there as well. The test is easy and they do it in two steps.

Step One

1- Blood work to check hormone levels.

2-- Carrier of Cystic Fibrosis. I think I have this right both parents have to be carriers of Cystic Fibrosis to have a 50% chance your child will have it. As long as I am not a carrier Mike won't need to be tested.

3-- A ultrasound measuring the back of Peanuts neck. Those baby's with Down syndrome tend to have a larger space.

Step Two

Follow up blood work at 20 weeks.

Good News-- The Ultrasound was very normal. YIPPEE. Now we just need the blood work. positive thoughts.. positive thoughts...

The interesting thing that I found out is I a 95% chance of having a healthy baby and that at my age of 34 1 in 500 baby's are diagnosed with Down Syndrome. At age 35 drops that rate to 1 in 270. The thing that interests me is that Autism is much more common 1 in 110 baby's are Autistic yet we do not have a test for that.... just sayn'

I do have some great ultrasound pic which I posted!

The Gym

The gym has become a big part of Mike and my life. We go 4 times a week and I was finally starting to get my body to a happy place. Not so much now! But I have to share what a hassle the gym has become. I get there in my snug fitting workout clothes and I really just look chubby instead of preggo. For the first trimester I stuck with carido which makes me very thirsty so much so that I need to carry around a bottle of water. I cannot run because my boobs hurt but I can walk or hit up the elliptical. At this point I am board to tears with my work out and have started working in a few light machines. Here is what happens..... I usually spot Mike on free weights before starting my workout....When I am done I have to go to the bathroom.... I hit a few machines and again have to go to the bathroom...pit stop to the lockeroom.... I jump on the treadmill and half way through my whooping 2 mile walk I am hungry. Are you kidding me? Hungry NOW? So now I go to the gym with a bottle of water because I am so freeking thirsty and a Pria bar in case I get hungry on the treadmill. I must look totally crazy. :)~

Monday, April 12, 2010

Second Trimester

I am officially in the second trimester! YIPPEE!!!

Weight gain 3lbs
Weight 123

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have heard that when you are pregnant your dreams become more vivid. So last night I was dreaming that snakes were falling from the ceiling of our bedroom. I actually woke up freaked out and had to checked the bed. I then woke Mike up and made him turn on the light so I could check the bed for snakes that were not there. This was at like 3 am. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I sleep like the dead I do not wake up and sometimes it is hard to even get me up. It really was strange.. welcome to the wonderful world of being pregnant.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

10.5 Weeks, My Bump

10.5 Week in I have a bump.
Mike is taking the pictures so I hope they will get better as we go along!

Our New Home

We put a contract on a house here in San Antonio. Peanut needs a nursery