Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Integrated Testing

This week I went for the first part of my Integrated Test. Integrated Testing is for all the scary stuff. The test checks the probability of Peanut having a genetic disorder such as Down Syndrome, Open Neurl Tube defects and they throw Cystic Fibrosis in there as well. The test is easy and they do it in two steps.

Step One

1- Blood work to check hormone levels.

2-- Carrier of Cystic Fibrosis. I think I have this right both parents have to be carriers of Cystic Fibrosis to have a 50% chance your child will have it. As long as I am not a carrier Mike won't need to be tested.

3-- A ultrasound measuring the back of Peanuts neck. Those baby's with Down syndrome tend to have a larger space.

Step Two

Follow up blood work at 20 weeks.

Good News-- The Ultrasound was very normal. YIPPEE. Now we just need the blood work. positive thoughts.. positive thoughts...

The interesting thing that I found out is I a 95% chance of having a healthy baby and that at my age of 34 1 in 500 baby's are diagnosed with Down Syndrome. At age 35 drops that rate to 1 in 270. The thing that interests me is that Autism is much more common 1 in 110 baby's are Autistic yet we do not have a test for that.... just sayn'

I do have some great ultrasound pic which I posted!

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