Within the third month of life Kayla should be....
* On stomach life head 90 degrees-- Kayla is able to lift her head 90 degrees. She looks side to side and is able to hold up her head when I hold her. She likes to follow us around the room. When you are holding her she likes to be watching the world around her and taking everything in. She will even turn away from you and then turn back. Mostly she does this when Dad starts making faces at her and she is laughing and having fun.
* On stomach life head 90 degrees-- Kayla is able to lift her head 90 degrees. She looks side to side and is able to hold up her head when I hold her. She likes to follow us around the room. When you are holding her she likes to be watching the world around her and taking everything in. She will even turn away from you and then turn back. Mostly she does this when Dad starts making faces at her and she is laughing and having fun.
* Laugh out Loud or Squeal in Delight-- Kayla has gained a ton of new vocalizations. She squeals, laughs, coos and is making all kids of oooing and laaaa noises. I voice them back to her and it cracks her up. I sing to her and the change in octave makes her LOL. I would share that video but you do not want to hear me sing. Fav song right now that makes her squeal, Crazy
* Smile Spontaneously--Kayla loves to smile, she smiles all the time. when she gets up in the morning, during her baths, play time. The only time she does not smile is during tummy time. She is to focused to smile during tummy time.
* Razzing-- Kayla makes this wet razzing noise when she gets up in the morning. Super cute.
* Bear some weight on her legs-- Kayla has been able to do this since about 2.5 months. She cannot support herself long but we practice every night.
* Grasping items-- Kayla has kind of started to reach for items. I am not sure if she is doing this intentionally or not.
* Couple of things we are working on...
Tummy time is still a big part of her routine. Kayla is rolling herself over with out the tummy time pillow.
Kayla has discovered her abdominal she likes to lift her legs and butt up in the air as if she is working her lower abs
Kayla is coming up with new sounds everyday. Such a joy to listen to!
Kayla is sleeping through the night and then some. She sleeps 8-10 hours per night consistently.
Kayla's most favorite thing to do now is chew on her fingers. She likes this so much she tends to hit her gag reflex. Babies do funny things.....
She's doing so much! Thanks for sharing this stuff. =-)